The Forgotten Pillar

The Forgotten Pillar
“The Lord calls for a renewal of the straight testimony borne in years past. He calls for a renewal of spiritual life. The spiritual energies of His people have long been torpid, but there is to be a resurrection from apparent death.” {EGW, 8T 297.5; 1904}
This promise has been given exclusively to Seventh-day Adventists. There is a prophetic revival to take place among us. The renewal of spiritual life will happen by reviving the straight testimony borne in years past. The fulfilment of this promise is conditioned on our willingness to answer to God’s specific call:
“God calls upon us to hold firmly to the fundamental principles that are based upon unquestionable authority”. {EGW, 8T 298.2; 1904}
Join the revival, answer God’s calling, and rediscover the Seventh-day Adventist Fundamental Principles.
If you identify yourself as a Seventh-day Adventist and you care about your church, sooner or later, if not already, you will find yourself and your church in an identity crisis. There are many groups of people identifying themselves as Seventh-day Adventists, yet they share divergent views on our most prominent doctrines, like the doctrine on God, the Sanctuary service, investigative judgment, etc. The objective of this book is to root Seventh-day Adventists in their original identity, the very identity God powerfully established in raising the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the beginning. We have had identity crises before; we had a big one in the time of Ellen White. This was the Kellogg crsis. As a response to this crisis, God provided the solution to every other crisis we would face in the future, through the writings of Ellen White. The solution is to harken unto the truths which we have received in the beginning of our movement. These truths are called the Pillars of our Faith. If we forget any pillar, the crisis will inevitably come—and we’re in one. We have forgotten one crucial pillar. This pillar is called "the personality of God''. It is an answer to the question, is God a person, and what is the quality that characterizes God to be a person?
Today, we most often answer this question differently than our pioneers have. This question touches different views of God, and offers several responses to the proclamation of the first angel in the fourteenth chapter of Revelation. But none should be left in darkness regarding this matter, since God gave abundant light in the beginning of our movement, and again approved it as the answer to the Kellogg crisis. The Spirit of Prophecy tells us that God will, again, approve this message in our time. Find out the answers and rediscover the true Adventist identity.